Behold! A Sock!

Yes, I finished this sock. This is really nothing short of a miracle. It has taken me a year to knit this one sock. I purchased this yarn and pattern one year ago at the Shepherd's Harvest Wool and Sheep Festival. It has been so long since I finished knitting anything that I had to pull out my Vogue knitting book to see how to graft the toe. I discovered that the instructions in that book are really pretty crappy. Fortunately, I had other sources.

Fortunately, it fits! Although, I should have added a few extra rows to the cuff sot the ruffly edge aligned better with my ankle. Next on the needles will be the second sock, and also a baby sweater for a co-worker's little peanut. Since I have no baby-friendly yarn in my stash, I think I'll need to go shopping.

Today has been spent alternating between being incredibly lazy and trying to tackle the pile of crap that hangs out in my bedroom. By being incredibly lazy, I mean playing solitaire on my phone. I'm not talking a game or two here or there....large chunks of my day have been lost to "40 Thieves". Combined with the allergies/cold thing I've got going on, I feel like a slug.

I believe he is checking out the fish skeleton we saw.
My sister and her fam did come over today for a bit and we took a nice little walk along the river. The Little Guy has this "Walk Around the World" personal project. I forget the story, but he's pretty into taking walks and seeing different parts of the state. He did pretty well, although he was getting a little whiny towards the end, so I asked him if he wanted to sing. He didn't, but did not object to MY singing (as anyone else would), so I began with "The Ants Go Marching..." and whad'ya know? He joined in and sang all the way back to the car, including up the long flight of stairs we were sure we would need to carry him up! Am I a miracle worker or what?


Gigi said…
The sock looks great!

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