Let it Snow!

Yesterday was Snowmageddon! The snowpocalypze! The Snownami! A Snowicane! A Snownado! The roof of the Metrodome collapsed under the weight of all the snow! Crazy!

Well, we got a lot of snow. And a lot of wind. And a lot of cold. It was great. Why? It meant we were stuck at home and I was able to get my knit on! Finally! I almost finished the Marshmallow Bonnet from Itty Bitty Hats. I just need to get the right sized crochet hook to make the little loopy things. So, pics to come.

D and I did venture a block up to Cupcake, just to check out how bad it really was. It was bad. It sealed the deal that we would not venture to Lea and Amit's house to meet with the On Tap group to start planning our fall trip to Spain and Portugal. Instead, we stayed in, ate cheese and crackers, watched movies and SNL, and I got some organizing done.

One of my projects was to organize my yarn stash. Wow. It's pretty bad when you have yarn you forgot buying. Like this blue stuff I got from Austin's Mohair and Gifts in Harmony, MN when we went to Lanesboro right after our wedding. Pretty, eh? Just sitting in a bag, neglected all these months.

I also made some new purchases when my mom and I went yarn shop hopping the day after Thanksgiving. What a fun day we had! It was fun to hang out with just my mom.

We went to Three Kittens where they were having a massive sale! I got this Jo Sharp Alpaca Silk Georgette, 10 skeins....

And this King Tut cotton, also 10 skeins.

I guess I was in a pink mood that day.

I also bought some yarn to make the marshmallow bonnet, and some secret gift stuff, at the Yarnery, my favorite place.

As I organized my stash, I found several odd projects from years ago. One of the very first knitting classes I ever took was knitting mittens in the round on DPNs. Took the class at my other favorite place, Crafty Planet. So, this was back in the day where I had the attitude that I was taking the class to learn a skill, not to get a finished product, so I used the cheapest yarn I could find. And now, I have some really ugly mittens.

What to do with them? Donate? They are kind of ugly and misshapen, but they still work. I dunno.

I also found a bunch of zippers I ordered from a zipper place in New York for my Ribby Cardi - like 5 zippers (got some different sizes to try) that I couldn't use because I ordered the wrong kind. Woops! Those, along with a bagful of yarn are ready to be donated someplace. My mom is going to take my pile of GGH kid mohair off my hands, the rest...who knows. I feel pretty good getting my stuff organized.

And now, since the roads are plowed, we are off to those greatest of all places, Target and Best Buy! Let the shopping begin!


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