Happy New Year!

Well hello blog readers! So nice to see you here. David and I got a very nice Christmas letter from his Aunt Pauline and Uncle Jim in which she mentioned reading my blog. And how do I say "thanks"? By not posting in over a month!

So, hello Pauline!

I have to say, I absolutely love holiday letters. I get a little bummed out when there is no letter with the Christmas card. The newsier the letter is, the better. Every year when I am out at my dad's house around Christmas, I dig through their rather large pile of Christmas letters (seriously - those two know A LOT of people) and pull out all the letters. I know Christmas letters get kind of a bad rap, and occasionally you do come across one that has a bit too much of bragging, or even worse, the "woe is me" letter, but I just love to be able to hear about what people have been up to. I hope people enjoy hearing what I have been up to.

And now it is a new year! Our first full year as married people! What are we looking forward to this year? What resolutions have we made? I don't know about David, but I haven't made any - I have set some goals though, mostly to complete the triathlons I have registered for and perhaps a 10K or maybe even a half-marathon. Of course, I would love to do more knitting. This fall we will be going to Spain and Portugal (mostly Spain) with Kym, Kyle, Alan, Erin, Lea, Amit, Shawna, and Kelly. I don't really know those last two but I'm sure I will after two weeks traipsing about Europe.

I'm also going to get into baking bread this year. I've got some dough rising as we speak. I also made cupcakes tonight, but since the frosting and the cake mix were both past their "best if used by" date, I'm not sure we will actually be eating them. I'll give one a try and see.

Well, that seems to be enough babbling. Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to write about next time.


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