One Week!

Well, it's now 6 days. I missed the one week mark, but came close enough, I think.

Yesterday, after enjoying watching the Tour de France at the Birchwood Cafe with friends, D and I loaded up the Jetta with A TON of stuff and headed to my dad's house. Lots of beer, wine, games, napkins, cups, and a bunch of other random stuff.

The car was pretty full.

After running all over town to find tissue paper for those pom-poms, we finally made it out there, poured some champagne, and got to work.

This is when the pom-pom plan was abandoned.

When I made the practice pom-pom, I had some pretty high quality tissue paper. It was thicker and stronger and made a pretty nice looking pom. The stuff I bought yesterday was pretty flimsy, plus the only orange I could find was Halloween orange.

As I sat there with my champagne, folding and fluffing the paper, I thought, "This kind of sucks. And then I have to hang them all up." Then the finished product was not good. The cheaper tissue paper made for a cheaper pom-pom. I did not like them. I told my disappointed niece that we would not be making these and I would be returning the rest of the tissue paper.

One less thing to do for the wedding! Yay! We spent the afternoon making little tags for people to sign and hang on one of the trees in the yard as an alternative to a guest book. We also put together bags of crayons, stickers, and canvas puppets to color on for the kids. So, it was still a pretty productive day. We are going to head out again today and bring over a few things we forgot and also do some yard work.


Anonymous said…
Yeah!! It's almost here.

Love Mom
Anonymous said…
Mmmmm, yard work ....

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