Another beautuful day
Yesterday we went with a guide to Victoria Falls, Glasse Trail, and the Kalinago village by the sea (think of any park you have been to that recreates life in a bygone era...this of the original Amerindian population of Dominica).
Victoria Falls was beautiful, but the hike freaked me out. We had to cross the river 5 times, which wasn't so bad. It was climbing up and over rocks, sometimes quite steep, that really freaked me out. We got to the falls and swam a bit, but the force from the falls was so strong it wasn't ideal for much swimming. We did see some freshwater crabs on the way, one of which was a female...the guide lifted up a little flap on her underside and we saw her babies scurrying around!
Then we headed to Glasse trail, a beautiful hike through the forest down to the Atlantic. Yes, down. Which meant we then had to go back up. But, it wasn't so bad and the view was amazing and we were able to soak up some sun in a little pool that the ocean carved out of the rock.
I should note, D and I have been up by 7 a.m. at the LATEST every morning. We have not slept well here (the insects at night are very loud) and are pretty much up when the sun comes up. Then again, we are usually in bed by 9. So, I have many lovely sunrise pictures.