More scary roads and friendly people

Well, Hello! So nice of you to visit the blog!

Sadly, I have no photos from today (Friday). I neglected to put the card back in my camera, so I cannot show you any photos of the mind-boggling scary road we drove on today. I really wish I could. Although the road really freaked me out, the hike at the end was lovely and there were some nice views along the way. Oh, and cows as well. And a baby goat (although I may get a picture of that later).

So I will intersperse this blog post with random photos.

So today we decided to hike to Chaudiere Pool, which we had heard many wonderful things about. After getting really good directions, we set out. We left the main road and climbed up through a little town, asking several times if we were going the right way. Then we got to a dirt road that got worse and worse and worse. We knew we would need 4-wheel drive, but I didn't really think it would be THAT bad. Deep ruts, up and down, one lane, bushes coming in through the car windows. I freaked out and made David turn around because I was sure this was not the way.

We stopped a really nice woman balancing a bucket on her head and she assured us that it was the road and it was about a 15 minute drive to the trail head, since the road was "not so good".

Understatement of the year. It made the road from Tuesday look good.

But we made it and the hike to the pools was very nice. We swam a bit and then headed back to our place. We stopped at the tourist center in town and bought some postcards and chatted with the nice women there. We could hear the kids singing at the school next door.

People in Dominica really are so friendly, and it is true that to really get the most out of a visit here you have to be able to go out of your comfort zone and talk to strangers. I don't think I am quite there yet, but maybe the next time we come back to visit I will be!

Tomorrow is our last day here. Sounds like we will go kayaking. The guy who was going to kayak with us got really sick (he was also going to take on us the Boiling Lake hike) but I think we'll be able to paddle around the bay on our own.


Anonymous said…
Looks like you two are having a great time! Enjoy the temp and the colors. Our world is white on white! A good six inches of heavy, wet stuff on the drive and still coming down.
Dick says to say hi and that he wants to see pictures of the goat and cow!
Love to you both!
Joanie :-)
Anonymous said…
"Michelle the picts of the waterfall and other beautiful scenery are
great but what I really need to see on this snowy morn are the
pictures of the cow and the goat"
Love to you both

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