Weekend at the Cabin

If you live in Minnesota or grew up here, you know that few things are as quintessentially “summer” as going “to the cabin”, “up north”, or “to the lake” during the summer. Call it what you want, it all means the same thing: escaping the city for the weekend and heading someplace where the pace is a little slower, the breezes a little cooler, and drinking beer all day long is a little more acceptable. D and I headed to Chippewa Falls, WI for a weekend of doing nothing with many friends, their many children, and a couple dogs. It’s nice to have a weekend where the most difficult decision you make is what kind of chips to buy (Tostitos Hint of Lime) and if you should take a nap before lunch or after (After). In addition to napping, drinking beer, eating a lot of cheese, and generally being lazy, I kayaked for the first time! I have to say: I loved it. Now I want a kayak. This will be added to the list of “big things” I want, which currently includes a scooter. People enjoyed themselves t...