The Latest on the Nothing But a T-Shirt

I have many pictures from the Cabin Weekend which I hope to get out of my camera and on to the interweb soon. "Soon" is one of the Little Guy's favorite words. I've noticed Gretchen telling him something like, "We have to go inside now" and he'll say, "No...soon". Heh...he's learned that one well.

I've decided to rip out the collar for the Nothing but a T-Shirt. I tried it on the other day and really didn't like the way it looked. I'm going to follow what fathom harvill did and not only pick up my stitches in the main color, but also decrease a few stitches before the turning row and then increase a few after. She said this helped the collar to lay flat around her neck.

No pictures today. I've got a very busy week ahead of me so I don't know when I'll post next.

Right now, I'm off to play Lego: Indiana Jones!


Anonymous said…
I totally play Lego Indiana Jones with the new guy I'm dating! It is so fun! I like the team work and the "flirting" way of hitting Indy with a shovel!

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