Chicago, cont.

We woke up to a miserable, rainy day in Chicago. Good thing we went to the baseball game yesterday. Today we were off to Elmhurst to visit with some of my extended family - Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. We had a nice lunch at a place called Eggstasy, which had huge plates and huge portions. They also had an overwhelming selection of French Toast.

We visited for a bit afterwards and I showed my Grandma some of the baby hats I've been knitting. She also laughed at the Nathan/I'm pooped story so that made me happy. We had a nice visit and then headed back downtown.

Our next stop was the Sears Tower. Chicago looks different from 103 floors up.

We took the Water taxi back to our hotel.

By this time, it was a beautiful sunny day in Chicago.

I was pretty hungry, so we decided to check out the world famous Billy Goat Tavern and Grill.

I'd heard of this place and it was nothing like what I expected. It was about fifty different kinds of cool though. I'll be back. As we were leaving, the place was slowly being taken over by confused looking Twins fans.

Yes, there are a lot of Twins fans in town this weekend. The Twins won again today! Woo-hoo!

Just for my mom, here is a picture of me and a stainless steel moose.


Anonymous said…
So cute. Too bad you couldn't fit him in your bag and bring him home to me. Go Twins. Glad they won. See you soon.

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