More Geocaching

Yesterday was a beautiful day! After my Arabic dance class, I decided it would be shame to stay inside so I called D to see if he was up for some Geocaching. Of course he was!

We headed down to the walking path along Mississippi River Blvd in St. Paul. I love my neighborhood and just one of the reasons is being within walking distance of the river and the walking/running/biking/rollerblading-get-knocked-over-by-a-130lb-Newfoundland path (a story for another day).

Just off the main path, a few feet into the woods, is another hidden, more woodsy path. It was there we found the caches.

We found several DinoCaches. In the very last one were three new caches, with a note letting us know we could take one and hide it somewhere. We just need to use "DinoCache" in the title. We took one called Apatosaurus because it reminded me of Judd Apatow. I found the first one and I was so excited!

We did a lot of traipsing through the woods. There is a fairly steep gorge (well, it some spots it is a sheer drop off) down to the river, maybe 100 feet below (I am a terrible judge of distance, so don't quote me on that). In some spots, I thought the trail was a little scary, so I became the nagging girlfriend, telling D, "Hey! Stop looking at stuff on your iPhone! Stop it!"

We also found two caches left by Pack 67. The first one was the only one we had trouble with. It was also here that I discovered I had left our pen in the last cache. On Well.

There were still a few Dinocaches to find. Here is my model-geocaching pose with one of them.

The final cache was hidden in a treacherous spot. Well, I thought so, but I'm afraid of falling down, tolerance for treacherously hidden geocaches may be low.

All in all, we went 5-for-5 with the caches, much better than our experience last weekend. In case any of you are interested, our geocaching "handles" are Gustie97 and OleGal96. I think we should call our team "MIAC Rulez" or maybe "Two dorks from small, private, Lutheran, liberal arts colleges in southern Minnesota who Geocache". You can search for us on the geocaching website.


Meema said…
Is geocashing similar to letterboxing?
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a great day of geocaching!
Valerie said…
Looks like you had a great area to geocache! I use to live in WSP and knew that there were great trails around, but never had the change to visit them. Of course, geocaching didn't exist then. LOL! I've not heard the term dinocaches before. Those may not yet exist in my area.

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