What Happened, Mimi?
I was very lucky in that I did not have to spend my weekend in face-to-the-floor position. That was a possibility, but the opthamologist/surgeon told me I didn't need to do that. I trust him because he went to Yale and then Harvard Medical School.
I spent the better part of my weekend laying around with my eyes closed. I had a hard time keeping my good eye open, so I listened to a lot of Minnesota Public Radio and asked D for a report on the book he is reading about Abe Lincoln. Good times.
The surgery went well. I had scleral buckle surgery done. They also injected a tiny gas bubble in to my eye to push my retina back in place, so I get to wear a lovely bright green medic alert bracelet until it dissolves. No nitrous oxide for me or I could go blind! Oh, and I have two stitches in my eye. Scratchy!
My eye is still pretty swollen and I have eye drops that keep my pupil dilated, so vision is not great yet. I go back next week for a follow-up, but from what the doctor saw Saturday morning it looks like it was successful.
Plan on some knitting content soon! I did no knitting this weekend, but got a little done before the surgery.