It's Looking Like A Sweater

Behold, the progress so far on Flair! This is not the most flattering photo of me without a head, but you get the general idea of the sweater. I will be buttoning it in the center, as demonstrated with safety pins here.

I had a great weekend! Gigi and the Little Guy came over Saturday morning. He wanted to ride the bus and the train. He was so cute waiting for the bus. He brought along his tools in his backpack in case the bus broke down. When we saw the bus approaching, he started to wiggle with excitement. He thought the bus was too bumpy and the train loud when it went through the tunnel, but I think he enjoyed the ride overall.

Later that night we all played Wash and Dry Bingo. Oh my gosh, the Little Guy was just so incredibly cute! I'll be sending video to family members soon. Gigi would pull out the "stripey tights" and the Little Guy would yell, "I'VE GOT THE STRIPEY TIGHTS! I HAVE THEM! I HAVE THEM!" Same with the underwear, the pink dress, the ski hat, etc. By the fourth or fifth time we played, he was so excited he was jumping around and kicking his legs.

Sunday the Little Guy went to his first baseball game, a St. Paul Saint's game. He did not seem impressed. I don't think he even made it through the first inning. He seemed to like his pizza though.

So, that was most of my weekend. Lots of the Little Guy. :-)


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