Anyone Up For Nothing But A T-Shirt?

Nothing But A T-Shirt is a great pattern from Alison at The Blue Blog. It was first published in Magknits a couple years ago and I immediately ran out and bought several rows of Rowan Calmer and got started. I got about half-way up the front and...stopped. I have no good reason why. None whatsoever. I guess life just got in the way, and then I got involved in other things like socks and that sweater for my dad and blogging and Ravelry...and I haven't picked it up since.

Well, yesterday I saw that The Lumpy Sweater is starting on this pattern with this GORGEOUS pink organic cotton yarn. I commented that I should really get started on mine again. She sent me a message that another knitter friend also wants to knit this. We've got the beginnings of a Knit-A-Long!

If you are interested in joining, head on over to the Lumpy Sweater's post from today and she's got information on how to contact her. Like she says, the original KAL ended ages ago, but it's a cool pattern and deserves another KAL.

Just to jump on the Nothing But A T-Shirt bandwagon, my sis commented yesterday that she saw something on the Blue Blog she wanted me to knit for her. What was it? Well, Nothing But a T-Shirt of course!


Overheard while leaving Arabic dance class last night:
Student #1: Is anyone going to be videotaping this tomorrow night?
Student #2: Ugh, I hope not.

My thoughts exactly. Tonight's the night! I will briefly "dance" onstage and hopefully not look too dorky. I'll let you all know how it went tomorrow.


Anonymous said…
I clicked on the Nothing But a T-Shirt Link and I swear the gal in the pink T looked like G.

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