And the winner is...

It's a tie! The Mitten and the Dragon Hoodie each got 5 votes, leaving the Wee Willie Whistle Sweater and the Yellow Sweater in the dust. The Pillow made a strong showing, and will be worked on soon.

I'll work on the mitten first, and then finish up the Dragon Hoodie. The Yellow Sweater I plan to frog and perhaps use that yarn for another purpose. I'd like to make a cardigan, perhaps.

Thanks to all you sweet people who voted!

And, I found the stripey hat! It got stuffed inside the non-handknit hat I wore to work last Wednesday. When I got home, I threw the hat in my closet and forgot all about stripey. While I cleaned the closet last night to make a space for Zoey the cat's litterbox (more on that later), I found the hat! It has been finished and given to my co-worker. Yay!


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