Knitted Item MIA
I lost a hat. I knit a cute little stripey hat for a co-worker. She's due to have a little boy any day now. I brought it to work last Wednesday to weave in the ends and make the curlys for the top. Never got around to to it. Wednesday night, I didn't have it, so I figured I'd left it at work. Well, it wasn't here Monday. So I looked some more at home last night. NO HAT. I am really bummed.
And a close up of the cable.
I am also making some Monkeys for my friend, Carrie. Here is the beginning of the second one!
Less than a day left to vote on the next UFO I tackle!
What better way to cure the knitting blues than to work on my other current WIPs? Here is the latest progress on the Thinking Dress.