Happy Halloween!

Today, D and I headed to the "real America"...my hometown of Anoka, MN. At least I think it was the "real America"...I sure saw a lot of Michelle Bachmann stickers, and I heard someone say an Obama presidency would lead to Communism. I felt almost as uncomfortable as I did when we hung around the RNC.

We were there for the Anoka Halloween Parade. Yup! My hometown is the Halloween Capital of the World. Gigi and the Little Guy were there as well. We also ran in to some old friends from high school. We had plenty of time to chat because the parade is about 3 1/2 hours long. That is a lot of Halloween.

It was the perfect day to wear my Gloria cowl and Fetching mitts.

I bought the Little Guy this Halloween Balloon. Look how proud he is of it...well, I guess you can't really see him.

After the parade, we did a little geo-caching. I found this teeny-tiny cache.

We admired the confluence of the Mississippi and Rum Rivers.

Then we hightailed it back to the big city, the "un-real" America, where I can safely shout "OBAMA! OBAMA!"


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