Happy St. Patricks Day Part II – Still Tuesday in Ireland

When we got back to , the village was overflowing with cars. I'm not sure where all people came from, but like us, they were there to celebrate.

There are two pubs in , and we headed to Ciss Ryan's first. David and I became the first people to sing Karaoke in the pub. We were introduced as “our American friends from Minneapolis”.
Then Lea and sang a song and were encouraged to do two encores. Lea has a lovely voice.
In fact, we Americans were the ONLY ones who sang Karaoke – while all these children looked on. There were a surprising number of children in the pub. This was not a pub/restaurant – they served no food (though they did bring us some bangers – we were such a hit with the karaoke), so I guess kids just hang out in pubs in small villages on St. Patty's Day.

Then we headed over to Larkin's to get some food. Larkin's was packed as well, and we soon discovered they were reserved for the night and had a special menu. It looked pretty grim, but one woman offered to put together some baskets of chips, bangers, chicken wings and fingers for us to enjoy wherever we could find a spot to sit. I don't think they would do that for us in the States.

There was traditional Irish music...

someone left an Irish Viking hat....

and we all had a wonderful time.


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