Remember When?

Way back when I started my blog, I took a survey to help me decide which of many UFO's I should finish up.

The choices were a mitten, dragon hoodie, yellow sweater, Wee Wilie Whistle sweater, and an intarsia square. The mitten won...I promptly finished it...and forgot all about the other items.

Now they are making a comeback! Even thought the Wee Willie Whistle sweater was not a winner, I have started on it again. Ripped out what I had and now have the back complete (again) and have started the front. I think now that I have started, this will be a quick knit.

I'm not sure how the progress will go on the other items. Since I'm trying to use up stash yarn, I think finishing some of these projects makes sense. On the other hand, there is a lot of other yarn in my stash as addition to a few new UFO's. Some things never change in knitting.


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