My Ravelry Invite Came!

I am so excited! I can't wait to get started!
Back to the parade of UFOs. This next one is the Dragon Hoodie from Marnie MacClean. Below are several front pieces, a couple back pieces, and one sleeve? It's made out of this lovely yarn called, Lullaby.

This sweater is really an example of when bad things happen to good knitters. I started this several times...and every time the strangest thing would happen. The sizes didn't match. The front pieces didn't match the back, or the right front wound up bigger than the left front. It just got to be too frustrating and I gave up. I actually knit more pieces than what you see here. I would like to finish it some day. The poor thing has been crumpled up in the bottom of a bin for a couple years now.
I had a wonderful weekend, although little knitting got done. I went to the Gopher/Badger game on Saturday and the Timberwolves/Hornets game Saturday night. Two sporting events, two losses by the hometeam. Sunday was better...a nice lazy day of breakfast at the Grandview, reading the paper, seeing a movie in my neighborhood, just sitting around on the couch. Perfect!


Anonymous said…
Poor dragon hoodie...does your pattern have an error?

I'm so excited that you got your Ravelry invite! Can't wait to see your stash, projects, all that good stuff. :)
Michelle O said…
I don't think it has an error...other than Michelle-error! I just think I probably was not keeping good track of my rows. :-( And, the yarn is sort of stretchy, which perhaps messed up my guage. Sigh.

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