Who Looks Hottest?

Next week is Emily's last week in my office. Although I am excited to get her Twins poster, I am sad she is leaving. Good luck out there in D.C., Emily! Maybe you'll run in to Hillary on the street!

So, as a little tribute to her, and because Scott asked me to, I am hosting a little survey. Below are three pictures of three of her friends wearing her oh-so-chic sunglasses. The question is: Who looks hottest in Emily's shades?

You can vote until Monday evening using the poll to the right. I have no idea what sort of "prize" awaits the person who gets the most votes. Do they get to keep the shades?

Your three choices are:

Scott, my favorite co-worker, now that Justin and Jason are gone.

Bryan. I have no idea who this guy is.

Jason, who used to be my favorite co-worker until he ditched us for the East Coast.

Remember to vote! You only have until Monday evening. After that, I'm taking back my blog!


Unknown said…
Ha! Bryan is Emily's best friend btw.
flowylime said…
Michelle, you're so great! I can't believe I am worthy of an honorary blog. :) so thanks!
Anonymous said…
I'm going to have to vote for Scott; who gets bonus points for wearing said glasses in Transit.


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