100 Things About Me...Part 2

So, maybe no one really was that interested in 1 -25, but I am continuing in my efforts to help you all get to know me better! Here is the second installment in "100 Things About Me".

26. I cannot dive.
27. I do not like shrimp, or any shellfish for that matter.
28. I really like crabcakes though.
29. My fantasy is to open a “Bed-No Breakfast” in Castle Danger, MN and name it “The Lazy Moose: A Place to Sleep”.
30. We might serve muffins.
31. The first rock concert I ever went to was A-Ha.
31. My favorite number is 3.
32. My middle name is Lynn.
33. I wish I made my own cleaning supplies.
34. I am a recovering shop-a-holic.
35. I drove myself into debt over many years.
36. I think credit cards are evil.
37. I rarely go to the mall anymore.
38. The only place I shop on a regular basis is Target.
39. When I was a kid, I was horrified at the idea of buying clothes at Target.
40. I have lived in four states: Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana.
41. I have traveled to or through: New York, Washington, DC, Virginia, Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, California, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Montana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nevada, Michigan, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Ohio, Maryland and Hawaii.
42. I have also been to Canada, Mexico, and Jamaica.
43. I used to have a dog named Ollie.
44. My sister and I named her for a skate trick to try and attract cute skater boys. It sorta worked.
45. My favorite author is Louise Erdrich.
46. In high school I dated two different captains of the speech team.
47. I am currently dating a guy who was captain of the speech team in high school.
48. Obviously, I like a man who can express himself.
49. I rarely put salt on anything I eat.
50. I own one book of poetry, The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems by Billy Collins.

I'm still only up to number 55, so hopefully I can eke out a few more....


Orinda5 said…
The speech team captain "coincidence" cracks me up.

I know one was JD... but I don't know the other.
Anonymous said…
LOL about 38 and 39. If you would have told me as a kid that I'd actually choose to wear clothes from Target as an adult I would have thought you were INSANE.


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