Look! A Sleeve!

I finished one of the sleeves for the Nothing But A T-Shirt Last night. Here it is!

Looks a little weird, no?

I had high hopes for my evening last night. I had to return Season 4 of Sex and the City to the library and had the last six episodes left to watch.

I snuggled down on the couch with bread, cheese, and wine (I had some pickles too) and got to it. Unfortunately, the DVD kept stalling. Very frustrating. Then it stalled and completely skipped over a very pivotal scene between Carrie and Aidan during the episode titled "Change of A Dress". I just gave up. If I couldn't see that important scene, I didn't want to continue. I'll try renting it from Blockbuster.

I consoled myself by playing Luxor on my cell-phone. Carrie Bradshaw I am not.


Anonymous said…
A sleeve? You're both seriously kicking my butt on this pattern. :-) The good news for me is that with my modifications, I'm knitting the sleeves on, so at least there will be fewer seams!

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