Baby, It's Warm Outside!

It's 22 degrees! Yeah...and when I say it's warm, it really DID feel warm when I was out at the bus stop. It's all relative I guess. Of course, I heard the high temperature on Saturday will be 0. That's ZERO. So, Gigi...get your car washed today!

Speaking of cold, I was going to be making a Grasshopper Ice Cream Pie for a little dinner shindig on Saturday night. Being so cold, I don't really feel up for that. I'm trying to decide if I should make Chocolate Cream Pie, or Banana Cream Pie (with crust made out of animal crackers). In the spirit of my blog, I will let all of you vote and whatever you decide is what I will make.

I'm ALMOST done with the sleeves for the Ribby Cardi. I'm set to begin the decreases. I might be able to finish them up tonight while I watch the final installment of Comanche Moon. I'd like to have the sweater finished by next weekend. We'll see.

Sigh...I just looked up Lonesome Dove on IMDB and now I know how it ends in Comanche Moon with Clara and Gus. Maybe I won't watch the last installment tonight.


Anonymous said…
Banana Cream please.
Anonymous said…
I vote for chocolate cream.
Anonymous said…
I have a great chocolate eclaire dessert

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