You Smell Good

I've been spending a lot of time lately checking out the discussion forums on Ravelry. That's how I found the pattern for the Synesthesia socks (which are coming along very nicely by the way!).

One of the threads I've been reading started out talking about the smell of yarn and has become sort of a scents in general type of discussion. Of course, I had to add my two-cents worth about Scotch Tape and how that to me is the true smell of Christmas.

Speaking of scents, I'm planning to do some Kool-Aid dying this weekend, so my apartment should smell nice and fruity!

What are some scents you like?

Flowers? Well....I've got some more flowers for you.

Okay,'s a pineapple.

These pitcher plants were cool!

Last but not least, this heart shaped plant.

Tomorrow is a University of Minnesota floating holiday, so I get a three day weekend! Woo-hoo!


As far as scents go, I am all about citrus! Hope you enjoyed your holiday...

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