Mom, Are You Reading This?

I have a red, KitchenAid Artisan mixer. It was a gift from my sister about seven years ago. I recently found out that there is an ICE CREAM MAKER attachment for it. If all caps did not properly convey my excitement about this, then I'll be more explicit: HOW COOL IS THAT?

Right now, it's on sale at Macy's, and then there is a 25% rebate. I think all total you can get it for about $60 or $70.

In my own Christmas shopping news, I purchased my first Christmas gift on Saturday. This was a slightly selfish gift purchase. I know this person will like the gift, but I'm hoping that I will be able to use/play with/read/wear/eat/listen to it as well. No, it doesn't really do all those things, but the person receiving the gift reads this from time to time, so I need to be a little sneaky.


Anonymous said…
But I have already bought your Christmas gift. Sorry. Guess I should have waited. Oh well.
Anonymous said…
oooooh.....what did you get me???

BTW...I have an ice cream maker you can need for the attachment.
Anonymous said…
that attachment does look pretty "bitchin" though! (like my use of outdated phrase)

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